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  • Assalamu’alaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarakatuhu...

    Bismillaahirrohmaanirrohiim ....

    Every Limb of the Body Must Worship Allah..


    Every limb of the body has some act of worship to perform. Let us take the eyes as an example. The eyes worship Allah by looking at what they are commanded to look at.

    Allah says: "Will they not look at the kingdom of the heavens and the Earth." [Sûrah al-A`râf: 185]

    He also says: "Say: Travel through the Earth and look upon what was the end of those who rejected faith." [Sûrah al-An`âm: 11]

    Using the gift of sight can be an act of worship. It is worship to look upon the Creation of Allah and marvel at its perfection. It is worship to use one's eyes to read and acquire knowledge.

    The ears also have their designated acts of worship. They are used to listen to what pleases Allah, like the recitation of the Qur’ân, the remembrance of His name, and the acquisition of knowledge. This is why Allah says: "Surely the hearing, the sight, the heart, all of these shall be questioned." [Sûrah al-Isrâ’: 36]

    The Prophet (peace be upon him) has told us that Allah says: "My servant continues to come closer to me with voluntary acts of worship until I love him, and if I love him, I become his hearing by which he hears, and his sight by which he sees." [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (6502)] Such a person gives the attention of his or her hearing and sight to only what is pleasing to Allah.

    The hands have their worship to do as well. They give in charity and engage in numerous good works. They are used for the prevention of evil. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "Whoever amongst you sees something wrong being done, he should change it with his hands. If he cannot do that, then with his tongue. If he cannot do that, then at least in his heart, and this is the weakest of faith." [Sahîh Muslim (49)]


    Greeting others and shaking hands with them is worship, since this wipes away sins and purifies the heart.

    Even the feet have there share of worship designated to them. With them, the worshipper walks to the daily prayers at the mosque and the Friday prayer. Allah says: "Verily We shall give life to the dead and We shall record that which they send forward and the traces they leave behind." [Sûrah YâSîn: 12]

    When the tribe of Banû Salamah wished to relocate in order to be closer to the Mosque, the Prophet (peace be upon him) told them to stay at their present homes, explaining to them that every step they take while walking to the mosque is recorded with Allah, saying: "Your homes record the traces you leave behind." [Sahîh Muslim (665)]

    And Allah describes in the Qur’ân how this recording takes place "...in a Book wherein my Lord never errs nor forgets." [Sûrah TâHâ: 52]

    Allah also says: "It is He who made the Earth traversable, so walk through its tracts…" [Sûrah al-Mulk: 15] Traversing the Earth to ponder over the lessons to be found therein is worship which the feet can engage in.

    Just as the devotions of the limbs are mentioned, so are their sins. The sin of the eyes is for them to gaze upon forbidden things. The sin of the ears is for them to listen to backbiting, slander, calumny, curses, music, and whatever else displeases Allah.

    The sin of the tongue is for it to utter lies, to backbite, slander, and curse, and to ridicule the believers. The sin of the hands is for them to steal, abuse others, and transgress against the Muslims. The sin of the feet is for them to walk towards sin, whether it be in the home, the marketplace, or a foreign land. All of these are sins of the limbs.

    The tongue is one of the greatest appendages possessed by the human being, since its devotions include such noble activities as the remembrance and praise of Allah, the recitation of the Qur’ân, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong.

    From all of this, we can see why the formal prayers are one of the greatest forms of worship, since these prayers require devotions from every limb of the body.

    The eyes engage in worship by fixing their gaze upon the spot where the forehead will be placed during prostration.

    The ears engage in worship during prayer by listening to the recitation of the imam with silent concentration. Allah says: "While the Qur’ân is being recited, listen to it attentively and silently that perhaps you might receive mercy." [Sûrah al-A`râf: 204]

    he Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "When the imam is reciting, listen to him quietly." [Sahîh Muslim (404)]

    The arms and legs engage in worship when the person engaged in prayer stands, bows, prostrates, and sits. The tongue engages in worship by remembering and glorifying Allah and by reciting the Qur’ân.

    In this way the whole body humbles itself before Allah and engages in His worship, making prayer one of the greatest forms of worship.

    Though the limbs perform all these acts of worship we have described, our worship only has value to the extent that the heart is sincere and devoted.

    This is why, that in spite of the tremendous virtue of prayer, Allah directs the following stern warning to some of the people who pray: "So woe to the people who pray, but who are inattentive about their prayers; those who but want to be seen of others but refuse to supply even neighborly needs." [Sûrah al-Mâ`ûn: 4-7]

    This lets us know that what matters is not merely the outward motions of prayer, since the people that are being addressed by these verses are described as people who perform their prayers.

    Though they pray, they are threatened with woe, meaning that they will face punishment in the Hereafter. This is because they only performed the prayers with their bodies while there hearts were devoid of humility and devotion. Their bodies were lined up in the mosques in the ranks of the worshippers.


    Their faces were turned towards Mecca. Their hearts, however, were directed towards something else, longing only to achieve the praise of men and win their trust or to attain some other worldly benefit.

    Allah describes these people in the following words: "When they stand up to prayer, they stand lazily to be seen of men, but little do they remember Allah." [Sûrah al-Nisâ’: 142]



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  • Assalamu’alaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarakatuhu...

    Bismillaahirrohmaanirrohiim ....

    Some Manifestations of Allah’s Kindness

    Taman Hidayah

    Allah is kind to us in ways that we cannot even imagine. His kindness is manifested to us from before we are born into our infancy and adulthood, in every aspect of our lives.

    It is from Allah’s kindness that He creates the fetus in its mother’s womb, and that the womb does not reject it even though it is a foreign body. Allah makes the womb ready to welcome it.

    Allah thus enfolds the fetus in three protective coverings, that of the placenta, that of the womb, and that of the mother’s body where it develops in safety and receives nourishment from its mother.


    It is from Allah’s kindness that the newborn knows to take its mother’s breast and knows to cry whenever it is hungry or needs something so that its needs can be tended to.

     It is from Allah’s kindness that He blesses us with patience and fortitude in the face of pain and hardship. When we bear patiently what befalls us reconcile ourselves to His will, it is good for us. We see this in the story of Joseph (peace be upon him).

     First, he suffered at the hands of his brothers who abandoned him at the bottom of a well. Then he suffered years of imprisonment in Egypt as a result of sexual allegations he was innocent of.

     Finally, Allah blessed him to enjoy power and influence in Egypt. After everything that happened, Joseph declared: “Lo! My Lord is Most Kind to whom He pleases.” [Sūrah Yūsuf: 100]


    Most people grumble about the tribulations that they face as individuals and as communities, because they do not see anything in them but their obviously negative aspects. With time, they come to see the situation’s many dimensions and outcomes, and they realize that it manifests Allah’s kindness in many profound ways.


    It is from Allah’s kindness that He made the religion easy. Allah says: “And in truth We have made the Qur'an easy to understand, so will anyone take heed?” [Sūrah al-Qamar

    : 17]

     Facilitation and flexibility are among the overarching principles of Islamic law. Whenever Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was faced with a choice between two options, he would always choose the easiest of the two, as long as no sin was involved. [Sahīh al-Bukhārī (3560, 6786) and Sahīh Muslim (2327)]


    Allah is Kind in what he provides for us and in what He withholds from us. This is why Allah says: “Allah is Most Kind to His servants; He gives sustenance to whom He pleases.” [Sūrah al-Shūrā: 19]

     It is from Allah’s kindness that He gives His servants of His bounties what is best for them and withholds from them when receiving those bounties is not in their best interests. Allah gives to us and withholds from us according to the dictates of His wisdom, mercy, and justice.


    If we ponder Allah’s kindness towards us, we will feel more devoted to Him and we will glorify His praises all the more. Whenever we are in difficulty or distress, we should remember that Allah is Most Kind, and beseech Him, saying: “O You who are the Most Kind, show kindness to me and save me from that which I dread.”


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  • Assalamu’alaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarakatuhu...

    Bismillaahirrohmaanirrohiim ..

    Jauhi Prasangka Buruk Kepada Allah..

    Taman Hidayah

    Para pembaca yang budiman, perlu untuk kita ketahui bersama bahwa Alloh adalah Dzat yang maha sempurna, baik dari Nama, Sifat maupun perbuatan-Nya. Tidak ada satupun aib atau cela yang terdapat pada Alloh.

    Sebagai bentuk realisasi tauhid, kita dilarang mengingkari nama dan sifat yang telah ditetapkankan oleh Alloh Ta’ala. Kita wajib percaya dan menerima sesuatu yang telah ditetapkan Alloh kepada para hambaNya.

    Segala Sesuatu Diciptakan Dengan Hikmah

    Alloh menciptakan langit dan bumi beserta isinya, semuanya tentu mengandung hikmah yang agung dan tidak dalam rangka kesia-siaan. Alloh Ta’ala berfirman yang artinya, “Dan Kami tidak menciptakan langit dan bumi dan apa yang ada antara keduanya tanpa hikmah (hanya sia-sia saja). Yang demikian itu adalah anggapan orang-orang kafir, maka celakalah orang-orang kafir itu karena mereka akan masuk neraka…” (Ash-Shood: 27). Termasuk tatkala Alloh memberikan manfaat (kebaikan) atau suatu mudhorot (musibah) pada seseorang, tentunya hal ini juga mengandung hikmah yang agung di dalamnya.

    Untuk itu kita harus selalu berhusnuzhon (berprasangka baik) terhadap segala sesuatu yang telah Alloh tetapkan kepada para hamba-Nya agar kita termasuk orang-orang yang beruntung.

    Rahasia di Balik Musibah

    Para pembaca yang budiman, tidaklah Alloh menimpakan suatu musibah kepada para hambaNya yang mu’min kecuali untuk tiga hal:

    1. Mengangkat derajat bagi orang yang tertimpa musibah, karena kesabarannya terhadap musibah yang telah Alloh tetapkan.
    2. Sebagai cobaan bagi dirinya.
    3. Sebagai pelebur dosa, atas dosanya yang telah lalu.

    Su’udzon Itu Tercela

    Su’udzon (berprasangka buruk) pada Alloh merupakan sifat tercela yang harus dijauhi dari diri setiap orang yang beriman karena hal ini merupakan salah satu dari dosa besar. Sikap seperti ini juga merupakan kebiasaan orang-orang kafir dan munafiq. Mereka berprasangka kepada Alloh dengan prasangka yang buruk dan mengharapkan kekalahan dan kehancuran kaum muslimin.

    Akan tetapi Alloh membalik tipu daya mereka serta mengancam mereka dengan adzab yang pedih di dunia dan akhirat.

    Alloh berfirman yang artinya, “Dan supaya Dia mengazab orang-orang munafik laki-laki dan perempuan dan orang-orang musyrik laki-laki dan perempuan yang mereka itu berprasangka buruk terhadap Alloh. Mereka akan mendapat giliran (kebinasaan) yang amat buruk dan Alloh memurkai dan mengutuk mereka serta menyediakan bagi mereka neraka Jahannam. Dan (neraka Jahannam) itulah sejahat-jahat tempat kembali.” (Al-Fath: 6)

    Adzab dunia yang akan diterima oleh orang kafir dan munafiq adalah berupa keresahan dan kegelisahan yang melanda hati mereka tatkala melihat keberhasilan kaum muslimin. Adapun adzab akhirat, mereka akan mendapatkan murka Alloh serta dijauhkan dari rahmat Alloh dan dimasukkan ke dalam neraka jahannam yang merupakan sejelek-jelek tempat kembali.

    Berprasangka buruk pada Alloh merupakan bentuk cemooh atau ingkar pada takdir Alloh, Misalnya dengan mengatakan “Seharusnya kejadiannya begini dan begitu.” Atau ucapan, “Kok rejeki saya akhir-akhir ini seret terus ya? Lagi apes memang…” serta bentuk ucapan-ucapan yang lain. Banyak orang berprasangka buruk pada Alloh baik yang berkaitan dengan dirinya sendiri maupun orang lain.

    Tidak ada yang dapat menghindar dari prasangka buruk ini kecuali bagi orang-orang yang memahami nama dan sifat Alloh. Maka sudah selayaknya bagi orang yang berakal dan mau membenahi diri, hendaklah ia memperhatikan permasalahan ini dan mau bertobat serta memohon ampun terhadap prasangka buruk yang telah ia lakukan.

    Jauhi Prasangka Buruk Kepada Alloh

    Sikap berburuk sangka merupakan sikap orang-orang jahiliyah, yang merupakan bentuk kekufuran yang dapat menghilangkan atau mengurangi tauhid seseorang. Alloh Ta’ala berfirman yang artinya,

    “Mereka menyangka yang tidak benar terhadap Alloh seperti sangkaan jahiliyah. Mereka berkata: ‘Apakah ada bagi kita barang sesuatu (hak campur tangan) dalam urusan ini?’ Katakanlah: ‘Sesungguhnya urusan itu seluruhnya di tangan Alloh.’ Mereka menyembunyikan dalam hati mereka apa yang tidak mereka terangkan kepadamu; mereka berkata: ‘

    Sekiranya ada bagi kita barang sesuatu (hak campur tangan) dalam urusan ini, niscaya kita tidak akan dibunuh (dikalahkan) di sini.’ Katakanlah: ‘Sekiranya kamu berada di rumahmu, niscaya orang-orang yang telah ditakdirkan akan mati terbunuh itu keluar (juga) ke tempat mereka terbunuh.’ Dan Allah (berbuat demikian) untuk menguji apa yang ada dalam dadamu dan untuk membersihkan apa yang ada dalam hatimu. Allah Maha Mengetahui isi hati.” (Ali-Imran: 154)

    Perlu untuk kita ketahui bersama, berprasangka buruk kepada Alloh dapat terjadi pada tiga hal, yaitu:

    1. Berprasangka bahwa Alloh akan melestarikan kebatilan dan menumbangkan al haq (kebenaran). Hal ini sebagaimana persangkaan orang-orang musyrik dan orang-orang munafik. Alloh berfirman yang artinya, 
      “Tetapi kamu menyangka bahwa Rasul dan orang-orang mukmin tidak sekali-kali akan kembali kepada keluarga mereka selama-lamanya (terbunuh dalam peperangan, pen) dan syaitan telah menjadikan kamu memandang baik dalam hatimu persangkaan itu, dan kamu telah menyangka dengan sangkaan yang buruk dan kamu menjadi kaum yang binasa.” (Al-Fath: 12)

      Perbuatan seperti ini tidak pantas ditujukan pada Alloh karena tidak sesuai dengan hikmah Alloh janji-Nya yang benar. Inilah prasangka orang-orang kafir dan Neraka Wail-lah tempat mereka kembali.

    2. Mengingkari Qadha’ dan Qadar Alloh yaitu menyatakan bahwa ada sesuatu yang terjadi di alam ini yang di luar kehendak Alloh dan taqdir Alloh. Seperti pendapat Sekte Qodariyah.
    3. Mengingkari adanya hikmah yang sempurna dalam taqdir Alloh. Sebagaimana pendapat Sekte Jahmiyah dan Sekte Asy’ariyah.

    Iman dan tauhid seorang hamba tidak akan sempurna sehingga ia membenarkan semua yang dikabarkan oleh Alloh, baik berupa nama dan sifat-sifat-Nya, kesempurnaan-Nya serta meyakini dan membenarkan janji-Nya bahwa Dia akan menolong agama ini

    Untuk itu sekali lagi marilah kita instropeksi diri, apakah kita termasuk orang yang seperti ini (orang gemar berprasangka buruk pada Alloh) sehingga kita dijauhkan dari surga Alloh yang kekal? Kita berdo’a kepada Alloh agar menjauhkan kita semua dari berprasangka buruk kepadaNya. Wallohu a’lam.


    Penulis: Abu Farhan Wali Sabara
    Artikel www.muslim.or.id

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